Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Victories

Oy... Today was an alright day. I ate pretty well today. I had cereal for breakfast, a SlimFast for lunch, some carrots w/ ranch dressing and a slimfast 100 calorie bar for snack, and Subway for dinner. I ate the whole foot-long sub, which maybe I shouldn't have, but it's MUCH better than the McDonald's value meal I could have gotten. I seriously considered it, but a) I really didn't want anything from McD, and b) I knew I shouldn't do it. I was trying to think of something that I could order from there and none of it appealed to me. So I went to Subway and got an Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich and some BBQ Baked Lays.

I made it to the Pilates class tonight. It was good. Definitely difficult, but not horrible. My abs and hips were both screaming at me at some point or another. It was a "omgomgomg WHAT are you trying to make us do and why????" but it never really hurt. I am already sore and I'm pretty sure that it's only gonna get worse tomorrow. But I also think I'll go again. Maybe not next week because Denise will be in transit, but after that, sure. Plus, I was also chasing some of the kids around the playground at work today. I probably did that for a total of 15-20 minutes. And I checked my pulse at one point and it was at about 160. If I can do that most days, then that will help, too.

I have a training session with Carol on Wednesday. I don't have any plans for the gym tomorrow, but I will definitely try to do the WiiFit. Thursday and Friday may be tough... Thursday is Tony's band concert, and Friday we'll be riding in the parade. My night will pretty much be taken up both days... Maybe I can do some stuff after the concert. And maybe I can get up early on Friday, or do some walking at lunch that day. Of course I don't HAVE to work out every day. I may burn myself out if I try, but if I skip those days, then I need to make sure to work out this weekend. I can do that though... I know I can. (I started to say "I think" and changed my mind. I can and I will.)

Ohhhh, but now, I think I'm going to go wash my face and head to bed. I think I did well today, but tomorrow I'll start again.

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