Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have to say that I must be the worst blogger on the planet. Oh well, water under the bridge.

So, my best laid plans didn't pan out so well come summer/fall. Things got really stressful. Over the summer I quit my job and stopped being friends with my then-best friend. Then my student teaching started and it was in fact one of the most miserable, disheartening, depressing time of my life. But I was also busy, and so I stopped training with Carol and really stopped going to the gym as much in general. Oh, and I started eating. A lot. And not healthy. So needless to say, I gained more weight. I got up to 250 before the end of the year. today when I weighed myself I was 247.8, so we'll call that 248. Not. Happy!

Anyway, I got dressed to go to the gym this morning and I just couldn't convince myself to go. So I texted Greg and got him to go with me (actually, he drove us both lol). We didn't workout together, but at least he got me there. My goal was to walk a 5k loop on the tredmill. my goal for that is always under an hour, and my final time was 57:12. I was happy with that. Not my fastest time, but I hit a wall of sorts about halfway through, so I was happy just to finish.

It was my own dumb fault that I was sluggish. I only ate a bowl of oatmeal before going to the gym and I had basically burned it off by the time I got the the gym. So about halfway through the loop I was just drained. I really didn't think I was going to make it the last few minutes. I was pretty shaky when I finally finished. In hindsight I really should have stopped, but what's done is done. Next time I'll take a Powerade or something as insurance.

I ate a pretty healthy dinner. Maybe not perfect, but still. We had brined pork chops, collard greens, black-eyed peas, rice, and corn pudding. Ok, so maybe that's not so great. Better than fast food.

Anyway, it's super late and I'm exhausted. Hopefully I'll get better on all counts soon.

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