Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Both my workout journal and CalorieCount.com have a line graph for weight goals, so I weigh myself each morning to keep track of my progress. This morning I was very pleased to see that I have lost a total of 9.8 pounds since I started this game with Tiffany.

Needless to say, I'm super excited about that. I wasn't expecting to lose much, if anything, today because I didn't go to the gym yesterday. I wasn't slacking, it was just my day off according to my workout schedule. Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise.

I kinda felt myself burning out the other day, which is why I embraced the day off yesterday. Previously, I would have done SOMETHING exercise related on my day off. I would have gotten on the WiiFit or gone on a walk... something. But since I felt the burnout coming on I decided to take a day off and just do nothing. Well, nothing exercise related. I did stick to my calorie goals, though.

Today, it's back to the grind. I haven't decided if I'm going to go to a class at the gym tonight or just workout on my own. I guess I need to make that decision soon!

Monday, January 17, 2011

My First Goal...

My initial goal was to lose 4 pounds by today. I am pleased to say that I lost 7.4 pounds! I'm really happy with my progress so far.

It was kind of a rough two weeks, emotionally and mentally, and that of course made my personal challenge a little bit harder to find the motivation to stick to my goals. I had 2 days where I went over my caloric intake goal. Once was because I didn't eat dinner before a meeting and ended up snacking the whole time. The other was because I was having a horrible day and I really just didn't care about my diet or exercise program.

I am proud of myself, though. After my really bad day, I didn't beat myself up for my bad food choices. I just accepted that I could have made better decisions and recommitted myself to the plan the next day. I think that it's important for me to admit to myself that I'm going to have a bad day, and I'm gonna have a day where I don't make the best choices. I just have to accept that, and try to do better the next day.

So, my first goal has been reached! Now on to my next goal. I think I'm going to stick with 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I thought about upping it, but 2lbs a week is a healthy goal. Anything above that is just happy times!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Thaw

Well, it's finally starting to thaw out. Well, it's still snowing, but it's not sticking to the roads so much. I was able to make it to the gym twice yesterday. Not something I intended to do, but it just happened. The first time I did my "scheduled" workout. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill and then worked out legs. I went back a few hours later for Centergy class. I love that class. It's a combination of Pilates and yoga, but it moves really fast so you get your blood pumping. I sound like a sales person, but it really is a great class. I was doing Pilates before, but I wasn't really committed to it. But I love this version because it moves so quickly.

I'm debating if I want to go to the gym now or wait and go right before my meeting tonight. My gym has a club right across the street from the meeting place tonight, but if I go now, then I don't have to worry about the time and taking a shower and blah blah blah. So I guess I just decided to go now! Alright. I guess I better get my stuff together and go.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowed In...

So it snowed.... a lot!
Well, a lot for my little area of East Tennessee. That is my car, and, as you can see, I'm kind of stuck at the house. Which of course means I can't go to the gym. And I'm annoyed by that fact. Today's workout didn't call for any weightlifting, but I haven't done a 5k loop on the treadmill in ages.... ok, in about a week. But it feels like ages, lol. I was looking forward to working towards my secondary goal of completing the loop in less than 45 minutes!

Looking on the bright side, at least my workout today doesn't call for weightlifting. That means I can do it at the house. I can also dig out the WiiFit or the Outdoor Challenge Wii game.
That game is fun. It has a mat that kind of looks like a DDR mat, and you have to move around to make it through the obstacles. If you have a Wii and are looking for some fun, energy using games, I recommend this one. You can also have 2 players for some of the activities. Plus, when you have to jump over an obstacle, you actually get to jump, unlike the WiiFit. Awesomeness lol. There is another game from that line that uses the same mat, but I haven't been able to find it for sale without the mat... I haven't looked that hard either. Anyway, I think I will do one or both of those games today as part of my workout. I would like to try the EA Sports Active, but it's kind of expensive. Especially for a girl with no job.

In other news........
Whooo-hoo!!! 1 week down and I have already surpassed my goal for the game with Tiffany. To reach my goal, I needed to be 245.8. That's an additional 2lbs, and I still have a week to go! I'm excited to see how much I end up losing in the rest of the time. I don't think I'll increase my goal for next time. Well, not drastically at least. I know it's healthy to lose 2lbs a week, and I want to set realistic goals for myself. Plus, if I am able to surpass my goal, then I'm just that much more excited!

Alright, I need to stop blogging and start moving!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Down Down Down She Goes!

Ok, so today is Day 7 of my game with Tiffany. I'm doing pretty well so far. I have made an effort to workout in some capacity everyday. I have also been good about logging my food and activities on Calorie Count. My workout journal has a spot for you to record your weight each day. I have weighed myself each morning, at about the same time and I have been very happy to see the number be smaller each morning... until today.

Today it was the same. I'm not upset. I am a little disappointed, but today is the first day of a that special time of the month, so I can't be surprised. Besides, my workout yesterday was not what I was hoping to get. I ended up using the 2lb balls instead of being able to work out with proper weights at the gym. But at least I was able to do something! I'm trying to be more positive. We'll see how it works.

So anyway. That's my struggle for today, dealing with the first letdown on the scale. It shouldn't even be a letdown! I've done great this week! I've already meat my 2 week goal in 7 days! Positive, positive, positive! Ok. I need to find food and then get ready for the gym.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Food Finds

I think we have already established that I like to eat. That's what got me here! That being said, I think I have been doing pretty well making healthy food choices this past week. I have been logging all my food and drinks on CalorieCount.com. Last night had to be my proudest moment so far though.

Greg and I had a D&M night (Dinner and a Movie) last night. I knew we were going out, so I worked really hard to save my calories for dinner. We ended up going to a place called Newk's Express Cafe. Unfortunately, they didn't have their health information posted anywhere so I just read the descriptions and made the best decision I could. I ended up getting a Shrimp Po'Boy and White Bean and Smoked Sausage soup. Honestly, I thought that was going to blow the 1100 calories I had left for the day. Then I noticed a sign that said that their nutritional info was posted on their website, so I looked it up on my phone. Turns out my sandwich was 335 calories and my soup was 250. That was only 585 calories! When our food came out, I was telling Greg about my day and by the time I was done eating my soup and half my sandwich, I was full! But then a crazy thought hit me.
You save all those calories for dinner. You need to eat the whole sandwich!
So I picked up the second half of the sandwich, and as I started to take a bite I realized what I was doing. Just because I have the calories to spare didn't mean I HAD to use them! Especially when I wasn't hungry! How silly. So I got a box and saved the sandwich for lunch today (it was just as delicious on day 2!). I just had to shake my head at the ridiculousness of that thought.

After dinner, Greg and I went to the Super Target near the theater to pick up our movie snacks beforehand ($1 or $4.50 for a box of Goobers? Hmmmm....). Well, last night I actually LOOKED at the nutrition labels for the boxes. I usually get Dots, Mike & Ike, or something similar. Well, there are 600-800 calories in a box. I had about 600 calories left so I could have had that box and still stayed "under budget," but it just didn't seem worth it. So I walked over to the snack aisle and started looking at the nuts and such. That is when I found Archer Farms Freeze Dried Strawberries. Oh. My. Goodness! A 1 ounce bag is huge and the whole thing is only 90 calories! I bought that and a can of plain almonds. I put 2 ounces of almonds in the bag of strawberries and, voila! I had a 400 calorie movie snack! I know that's a lot of calories for a so-called snack, but it was well within my "budget" and much lower than any of the traditional movie snacks. Plus, I didn't eat all of it. That bag was huge! I logged everything when I got home and I was still over 200 calories under my daily limit.

So yesterday was a good day. Today has been good so far. I made it to the gym for my YogAeroPilates Class. Ok, technically it's called Centergy, but it's crazy. I sweat more in that class than I ever have in another pilates class in my life! I love it when I can make myself go! I still need to do my weight training for today. I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to the gym or see if I can't just use Greg's weights he has at the house. I guess it depends on what he's doing tonight.

Alright. I have been typing this while I wait on the space heater to warm up my normally chilly bathroom so I can take a shower. It should be ready by now. Later all!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Friday!

Well, I've done better this year! Updating my blog at least. Working out is about the same this far into the year. In about 2 weeks is when I usually start getting lazy and such. I'm hoping that doesn't happen! I'm trying to pace myself so I don't burnout. We'll see how it works out though. I have the tendency to go overboard on the workout. I'll do a gym workout, then I'll do cardio, then I'll do some ab work bc I'm bored... all in one day! So I'm trying to sloooooow dooooown. When I'm tempted to start over-doing the workout, I'm finding other things to do. I read, I blog... I have a few crafts I could start working on. I'm also trying not to eat when I'm bored. It's a difficult balance!

Anyway all of that being said, I want to be able to remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing here, so I have made a Week 1 picture collage.
Yeop, that's me! I had Greg take the pictures last night. I was actually excited to take them until I actually saw what I looked like! I wore the tightest fitting clothes I own to highlight the imperfections. It's what Tiffany had to do to submit her application for the weight loss thing she's doing now. I decided it would be a good idea to document my progress with photos, but that means I had to show where I started.

Looking at that collage does not make me happy, but I am trying not to be hard on myself. I am not a healthy weight and I do need to trim down, but I know that being hard on myself isn't going to help. The book I bought the other day says to create a positive mission statement in regards to my fitness goals. Here is mine:

I want to work to create a healthier, leaner version of the already wonderful me.

She said to be positive! And I am wonderful. I am a great friend, a good family member, a wonderful cook... I'm smart and pretty, and all sorts of other good things. I am overweight, but that doesn't change that I am a good person. I need to remember that as I'm working towards my goal of a healthy BMI.

Ok, enough blogging for right now. I need to figure out something for lunch. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And I Was RIGHT!

Yesterday I said my legs were not going to be happy with me today and I was right! Basically all the muscles in my legs are yelling at me. But it's a good kind of pain. That satisfactory "I did something good for myself" kind of ache.

Today's workout is arms and back. I'm looking forward to it. I like the fact that I'm already seeing some results. I'm trying to pace myself though. I don't want to start working out like crazy and then burn out. I think that's what happens most of the time. I'm hoping that if I can stick to this 30-day workout plan, it will become a habit and I will stick with it. But I'm also trying to not plan too far out. Let me just get through this day, through this goal with Tiffany... Baby steps!

Alright, I need to get off the couch and get ready for today's activities. Later all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 of a New Workout

Well, I found a 30-Day workout that I am trying. Today was Day 2. I think it went pretty well. My legs are not going to like me tonight/tomorrow. But I think it will pay off!


Hey, so far so good this year! I've posted more this year than I did since I created the blog! I actually managed to get my workout in tonight, too! I did a little bit of weight training. The program was supposed to use dumbbells, but I did my workout at home and don't have any dumbbells here. I did use some 2lb weighted balls that I had. Some resistance is better than none, right?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. I'm hoping that this program that I've got going on with Tiff really keeps me motivated! We shall see.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Haha, I'm doing pretty well so far this year. Posting at least.

I made it to the gym today! I did my 5k in 57:55. Slightly over my last time, but that was because I wasn't paying attention. I was reading a magazine and let my warm-up go on too long. But it was still under an hour! And at least I went!

Another thing happened today. Tiffany and I decided to start a weight loss journey together. We set up another blog to talk about what we're doing. It is called From Chunky Dunk to Skinny Dip. I think it's going to be fun!

Alright, I need to do something productive.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


While I am not promising to post everyday, I thought I would test my droid app anyway.

Today, I was lame. I ate too much and I didn't make it to the gym. I have no excuse for not going, I just didn't. I thought about doing the wiifit, but I didn't feel like digging it out. I need to make myself go to the gym tomorrow. Hopefully in the morning. Maybe I can take mom grocery shopping and go to the gym while she does that. Sounds like a plan at least.

Ok, enough now. Maybe more tomorrow. Goodnight moon.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have to say that I must be the worst blogger on the planet. Oh well, water under the bridge.

So, my best laid plans didn't pan out so well come summer/fall. Things got really stressful. Over the summer I quit my job and stopped being friends with my then-best friend. Then my student teaching started and it was in fact one of the most miserable, disheartening, depressing time of my life. But I was also busy, and so I stopped training with Carol and really stopped going to the gym as much in general. Oh, and I started eating. A lot. And not healthy. So needless to say, I gained more weight. I got up to 250 before the end of the year. today when I weighed myself I was 247.8, so we'll call that 248. Not. Happy!

Anyway, I got dressed to go to the gym this morning and I just couldn't convince myself to go. So I texted Greg and got him to go with me (actually, he drove us both lol). We didn't workout together, but at least he got me there. My goal was to walk a 5k loop on the tredmill. my goal for that is always under an hour, and my final time was 57:12. I was happy with that. Not my fastest time, but I hit a wall of sorts about halfway through, so I was happy just to finish.

It was my own dumb fault that I was sluggish. I only ate a bowl of oatmeal before going to the gym and I had basically burned it off by the time I got the the gym. So about halfway through the loop I was just drained. I really didn't think I was going to make it the last few minutes. I was pretty shaky when I finally finished. In hindsight I really should have stopped, but what's done is done. Next time I'll take a Powerade or something as insurance.

I ate a pretty healthy dinner. Maybe not perfect, but still. We had brined pork chops, collard greens, black-eyed peas, rice, and corn pudding. Ok, so maybe that's not so great. Better than fast food.

Anyway, it's super late and I'm exhausted. Hopefully I'll get better on all counts soon.