Sunday, January 9, 2011

Down Down Down She Goes!

Ok, so today is Day 7 of my game with Tiffany. I'm doing pretty well so far. I have made an effort to workout in some capacity everyday. I have also been good about logging my food and activities on Calorie Count. My workout journal has a spot for you to record your weight each day. I have weighed myself each morning, at about the same time and I have been very happy to see the number be smaller each morning... until today.

Today it was the same. I'm not upset. I am a little disappointed, but today is the first day of a that special time of the month, so I can't be surprised. Besides, my workout yesterday was not what I was hoping to get. I ended up using the 2lb balls instead of being able to work out with proper weights at the gym. But at least I was able to do something! I'm trying to be more positive. We'll see how it works.

So anyway. That's my struggle for today, dealing with the first letdown on the scale. It shouldn't even be a letdown! I've done great this week! I've already meat my 2 week goal in 7 days! Positive, positive, positive! Ok. I need to find food and then get ready for the gym.

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